As with all SpaceX launches, I will never not be impressed by how easy they make this look.
Read MoreIt had a good run, but the time has finally run out on Windows XP and all its variants. It was a great OS (eventually), but ultimately it has been succeeded by more modern operating systems and better practices.
Read MoreIn case you have been living under a rock, this thing called DevOps and Automation is a pretty big deal nowadays. The line between Developers, Systems Administrators and Network Administrators is being increasingly blurred, so it is not uncommon to be asked to do code deployments and support when it sort of isn’t something you should be doing.
Read MoreWorld Backup Day is a day of awareness for people to learn about the importance of regular backups for their personal data.
Read MoreThe SpaceX Demonstration Mission 1 Flight has successfully completed as of 8:45am EST on Friday March 8, 2019. There were no issues, and this is the very successful first step towards the next flight (In-Flight Abort Test) that will take place in the next few weeks, using the same Dragon Capsule that completed the DM1 Mission. If nothing major comes up, the DM2 flight should occur in the Summer of 2019 with two Astronauts on board.
Read MoreActive Directory is an incredibly powerful tool that pretty much every business relies on for user authentication and management. That doesn’t mean that people set it up properly though, and Microsoft has provided a very good guide on how to avoid those mistakes.
Read MoreOne of the biggest and most welcome changes to the Windows 10 1809 update and in Windows Server 2019 was the addition of the OpenSSH Client and OpenSSH Server features. Certainly, this was something that I never expected to happen, but it is a welcome change.
Read MoreThe New Horizons spacecraft successfully completed its flyby of Ultima Thule (2014 MU69) at 12:33am on January 1, 2019. So far there has not been a lot of information released due to the slow (but steady) retrieval of data from the spacecraft, but the initial images are amazing.
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