How 8-Bit Atari Computers Work

The 8-Bit Guy recently posted a video about the history of the Atari 8-Bit computers, and the impact that they had on the industry. I was never the biggest fan of Atari consoles when I was a kid, mostly because more modern consoles were available by the time I was playing games. I was not aware of the extra capabilities of these computers, mostly because there was little documentation available in the pre-Internet era, and I was too young to know how to program.

I posted several years ago the Commodore History Series that he also created, and has been adding to ever since. It is a long series, and it is worth watching if you are interested in that platform.

I find Atari computers to be interesting, even though I had limited experiences with them when I was young. I had a family member who owned an Atari 2600, and for several months I had an Atari XEGS. I do own a few of the modern consoles that play Atari games, but the experience is not the same compared to the original hardware. The upside is that it is nice to experience those games without the weird limitations and issues with the original hardware.

Here is the Atari history video: